It's finally summer vacation! It's the time of the year that I live for. Do you know the reason fro that? Well, that's because I get to go to Japan! Since my mom's family lives in Japan, we go there every summer to see them. Sinec I'm always in Japan, I haven't celebrated a lot of things in my whole life. Such as the Fourth of July. All I know is that there are fireworks and they look pretty. What else do people do? Who knows. But I make the best of it over there by celebrating their traditional holidays such as tanabata. that's on the 7th of July. You get a big piece of Bamboo and hang pieces of paper that have wishes on them and put it outside. They have some story about it that I can't quite remember but I think it has something to do with a prince and a princess having to cross the milky way to see each other. It sounds like a Japanese version of Romeo and Juliet.
Well, you all don't have to worry about me not blogging since my aunt has this awesome computer that is brand new. It's soooooooo shiny. I'll be blogging about all my boring days in Japan. Wit for the terrible pictures too.
One more thing. I'm leaving on the Wednesday and coming back on the twenty-eighth of August.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The F4
Have you people heard of Hana Yori Dango before? Well, it's this awesome manga. For those of you who don't know what that is, I'll give you a short summary of what it's about.
Hana Yori Dango is about a girl named Makino Tsukushi who goes to a rich private school called Eitoku gakuen. This school is practically controlled by these boys who call themselves the F4. The F4 consists of Hanazawa Rui, the so called mysterious one, Mimasaka Akira, the member of the F4 that only dates women who are at the least ten years older than him, Nishikido Soujiro, a play-boy and a womenizer, and lastly Domyouji Tsukasa, the leader of the group that is the son of a huge company known throughout the world. They're parents all own huge companies or cooperation and they pay the school money so they can do whatever they want! Even the teachers can't say anything! Anyway, the plot of the story is that Domyouji falls in love with Makino and Makino falls in love with Domyouji. At the end, they get married wich is a really nice ending compared to what they did to each other in the beginning.
The reason I was blogging about Hana Yori Dango is because I recently noticed that my life is so much like it. First of all these group of boys are so much like the F4. First for the people you probably know if you read my blog as well as chicken's servants blog. I thought that Young hoon would be Domyouji and Hohoemi-kun would be Nishikido Soujiro. The reason for that is because Young hoon is the type that hits people and Hohoemi is Japanese and expects every girl he likes to like him back. Then, for some people you've never heard of. I'm going to call them Berry and Demetre. ( sorry for the random name for those of you who know them) berry is more like Hanazawa Rui and Demetre is Mimasaka Akira. I think Mimasaka akira is perfect for him sice he seems nice at first but turns out he is as annoying as the rest of them. Well, for Berry, I don't know. I mean he can play the piano which is similar to Hanazawa rui except he plays the violin. Plus they both seem like the nicest one in the group of little brats but basically, he was just left over. Plus, it's not only them. It's also Diana. She seems so similar to this girl named Sakurako. she's Makino's friend at first but turns out she's just some crazy lunatic that just adores and hates the F4. Especially Domyouji. She evn has a scrap book with pics of them since they were in preschool! I don't think that Diana does since all of them weren't exactly friends in the previous years.
So here's a short scenario to prove my point.
Lets just say that I'm the main character. In the beginning Makino or myself falls head over heels over Hanazwa Rui or Berry, which I did. Then Sakurako aka Diana suddenly does some horrible things that you would know about if you read my older post, which all happened to me. Though I never changed who I liked over the year but it basically has the same story line. Don't you think?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Cherry Picking!
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